Triple Threat grudge match at WM 41? No titles? no McIntyre?

What do you guys think of the rumours of a triple threat between Roman, Seth & Punk at Mania? Personally I hate this idea as McIntyre deserves to be involved in this scenario.

I think they need to look at what made last year successfully and swerve: TURN ROLLINS HEEL team him up with McIntyre and it sets you up for the entire year. Tag match against Punk & Roman at Mania which they win then become the dominant heel act in the company, full two man power trip... win the tag belts, Seth wins the WWE title, Drew wins the World Heavyweight title building to WM 42 with Seth vs. Punk & McIntyre vs. Reigns as your headline matches. F the Rock... stop trying to factor him into plans at this point, they have stars and don't need him.