CyberSecure RAM usage

I bit the bullet and purchased the CyberSecure subscription for my Cloud Gateway Max a couple of hours ago. I was really curious how this would impact the RAM utilization since Unifi seems to adjust the amount of definitions you get depending on which model you have. Anyway:

Pre-subscription, I was pretty steady at 58% RAM and 7-9% CPU utilization when my network was quiet. I'm seeing a 10% increase on the RAM since loading the CyberSecure definitions. CPU appears to be unaffected. **Update*\* I didn't realize that it defaulted to Memory Optimized, or that adding this subscription added a bunch of new Active Detection categories. Turning off Memory optimization, and adding most of the new A.D. categories, RAM increased another 5-7%. See the first screenshot below, which I've updated.

I'll update this if I see a difference when my network is more loaded.

You can see the jump from a couple of hours ago in the graph below. The dip to zero a couple hours prior was a network update that I performed.

I was directed by another user to check to ensure all of my Active Detections categories were selected, and that I also didn't have Memory Optimization turned on. Turns out, the new categories get added but must be manually selected. Also, Memory Optimization is on by default. In most of the categories, there are a few new options. The Diagnostics was all-new. Here's what those two settings look like. NOTE: as of this EA, the memory optimized option is not on the local console. I had to go to the cloud console to see this.

Finally, another user asked what the dashboard icon looks like. This is how it looks. (The purple box is just my highlighting of the section. it is not part of the UI)