550+ Applications in a Month: My Job Hunt as a Product Designer

In the past four weeks, I’ve been fully immersed in an intense and insightful job search as a Product Designer. I recently shared my experience on LinkedIn, and the post gained some attention, sparking discussions about strategies and approaches to job hunting.

You can check it out https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7266153542447443968-Lbi9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

I want to expand on some points and share additional thoughts, especially around the common criticism of applying to a large number of jobs.

Here’s my take:

• 550+ applications. This number often raises eyebrows, but here’s the truth—I’m not simply spamming applications. I receive feedback and responses, so I know my approach is working.
•Quality and quantity can coexist. I don’t apply for roles where I lack relevant experience. If a position strongly aligns with my skills, I take the time to tailor my resume to increase my chances. Every application is deliberate and strategic.
•Networking is crucial. During this time, I’ve attended around 10 events, including a major conference in Austin. These efforts have led to 50 real connections and even two potential clients for freelance projects.

Here’s what my process looks like:
• I use a Notion table as a job tracker to record every application: the company, the position, and the platform.
• I avoid duplicate applications and try to avoid “easy apply” options whenever possible. From my tracker, I’ve noticed platforms like Wellfound provide more responses, while “easy apply” rarely even generates rejections. If I find a job listing on LinkedIn’s easy apply, I look for the same role on the company’s website. • I spend time researching, customizing, and ensuring that every application represents my best work.

Yes, applying to 550 jobs is a full-time job in itself. But I truly believe that quantity doesn’t have to sacrifice quality if you dedicate enough time and effort to the process.

How do you balance quality and quantity in your job search? I’d love to hear your thoughts and strategies!

P.S. I’m considering creating a guide document in Notion where I’d compile all the useful links, resources, and articles I’ve come across during my job search. It would include platforms, job boards, networking tips, and maybe strategies for applications, resume, good portfolio, case study examples, etc. What do you think about it?
