6 years of pull out method, no pregnancies - should I be concerned?
My friend was talking to me about how her Gyno said he was concerned because she and her husband have been using the pull out method for 8 years and have no has any pregnancy scares or miscarriages.
She was advised to see a fertility specialist because apparently that’s not normal? She then told me I should probably see one too because my fiancé and I have been using the pull out method for 5 years and have never had a pregnancy scare either. (I mean there have been a few times my period is late and then my period comes however long later).
Should I actually see a specialist? Is it uncommon o use the pull out method and not get pregnant .. bc isn’t that the whole point? Now I’m worried and anxious lol bc we are going to start trying next year around fall, but when I spoke to my gynecologist last year, she told me that there is no reason to go see a specialist unless I was actively having problems getting pregnant, but I wouldn’t know because I’ve never actively tried… Do you guys know what I mean?
UPDATE: I didn’t expect this post to blow up 😅 but after ready lots of comments, I believe my finances pull our game is just 100% - I remember I did get an ultrasound on my uterus about three years ago and they confirmed everything looked pretty good. When the time comes if we are struggling with fertility then we will both get tested.