The new Helldivers 2 collab with Killzone gave me a funny thought.

The ISA would have been, ironically enough, more thematic fitting to be fighting alongside the Helldivers than the Helghasts, considering the ISA and the UCN were more than willing to subjugate the Helghans to colonialism and genocide on a planetary scale and exile them to a unlivable hellscape (and crush planetary independency movements on a galactic scale), they are the closer equivalent to Super Earth in the Killzone context.

Sure, the Helghast are still undeniably a fascist totalitarian military dictatorship, Visari's a con man that's making everyone's lives worse, including the Helghans themselves (and they have a far more visually interesting design than the ISA), but it's kinda funny how they went with the more recognizable face even if it's less thematic fitting.