Games that cause/caused you actual, physical pain?

Peaks of Yore is not the game I ever expected to enjoy, but it's got such a zen fluidity to its gameplay that manages to shine through the absolute sadistic torture that is some of the game's expectations for you. It's a first-person climbing game with tight, snappy controls, excellent expression, and causes the most fucking physical and mental stress I've ever felt in a video game.

For a decent idea on what the later parts of the game look like once the game feels you're well-adjusted to the mechanics, take a peek through this, or just from where I timestamped.

Once you get really into it and start getting that feeling of "If I just keep climbing, I'll reach the top, no matter how many times I fall...", that's when the hand pain comes in, as well as the nervous sweats, and the feeling of vertigo when you see a daunting jump. Earlier today I played for about 5 hours straight, completely in the zone - every single hour was spent climbing a single mountain, the final mountain (which is taller than every other mountain in the game combined), and I didn't even finish it. The last mountain is so ungodly long and straining that the developer added in a unique item that you can only use on this mountain that allows you to save and quit mid-climb, then resume later.

My hands HURT, I felt like I was going to puke from the vertigo every time I was forced to look down and see all my progress and how high up I was, my hand palms looked like sponges from all the pruning. This is the first game that I feel should be given its own unique health warning in regards to the unique strain it causes.