Games designed for insane people.
So there's one game on my switch that I go back to somewhat regularly that I don't see many people talk about, and to be frank I don't think many people like which is "Super Dragonball Heroes: World Mission"
It's a port of a DBZ arcade game that uses actual cards with NFC chips that you use to play the game.
It's hard to explain, but I've always described it as a the world's most fucked up RPG disguised as a card game. You don't have a deck, you just have 7 cards you have access too, that are effectively party members.
The reason why this game is for insane people is that the switch release has like, 8 years of arcade content jammed into the one release, with like 1300 unique cards available in the game, bosses, etc...
Even though it is only 7 cards, you basically are tasked with creating a finely tuned team that all work with each other to just fuck shit up. You can create ridiculous combos, like my current team involves a Goku ultra instinct card that gives him triple damage for the first two turns, before making him useless, so my entire team is designed around surviving round 1, then boosting the shit out of Goku for round 2 to one shot the other team.
This also doesn't take into account that the game has a custom card function, so you can make your own cards and create a completely custom deck that works exactly how you want it to. You want a whole team of cell's that turn into SSGSS Goku? Sure why not.
There is just so much content dedicated to creating the most fucked up decks (which in the higher level content, is actually needed) that I can only conclude that I am a bit insane to find this game fun mostly in how I can break it. I also haven't mentioned how the game just says fuck it to DB canon and has some stupid cards in it like Vegeks (a trunks, Vegeta fusion ), Super Saiyan 3 Nappa, or Xeno cell, who can turn into giant crab kaiju cell.
So, what are games you love that are made for crazy people like yourselves.