The drop in people having kids is simply due to people not being able to afford kids. Any other explanations are huge reaches and have hidden agendas.

The drop in people having kids is very simply due to finances. It's really that simple.

Kids are expensive. In this new economy where we underpay people unlike previous decades, people can't afford the costs of having children, so they don't. Even ones who nominally are making enough money can't afford the constrictions on work that come with having kids.

That alone isn't super unpopular, but a lot of people put weird fluff explanations. For example, it has nothing at all to do with women desiring less relationships with men. For one, women aren't rejecting relationships with men, but rather they are rejecting relationships with mildly attractive men in favor of 5'10+ muscular men who are making money and also other women. Just because we as men have less options doesn't mean women aren't finding someone else or even sharing men in polygamous arrangements.

Secondly, literally even if women rejected all women, they could still be romantic with each other and adopt. They could adopt and even do surrogacy, which is immoral but they could.

But instead they just don't have kids. This is literally finances and has nothing to do with social scene or dating mumbo jumbo.