Clinkz players, what are the best matchups to pick into?
I got bodied by a clinkz recently when I was playing LC, I was genuinely taken back at how bad I was at trading into him, I would overwhelming odds and just man up thinking the attack speed and lifesteal would easily outtrade the clinkz, every single time he would come out on top. I've been so used to pos 4 clinkz I never really considered this hero to be any good as a core. Just to add to this I got stick early knowing it's basically as essential as it versing a bat that uses napalm in lane, it did nothing, his damage and slow was just too much
This single game convinced me the hero is a lot better then I give it credit for so I've decided to add him into my 1/2 hero pool. I've hardly touched him this patch but now that I'm seeing higher MMR pubs and lost hard to it, I'm wondering what makes clinkz good? Any core clinkz players able to tell me what matchups you love playing clinkz into, but also what matchups destroy the skeleton fuck.
If there's any tips regarding to farming I'd appreciate it as well, I don't get how this hero farms now that his barrage is no longer apart of his default kit