Feminism was necessary for the development of the modern state

In the past, women had extended families they could rely on in times of need. This meant that if they weren’t working and lost their husbands, they could still be provided for by family members.

The development of the modern state required breaking up extended families and centralising power in the hands of the state. This necessitated waging war on religion and traditional moral values as well, since they stressed the importance of upholding the ties of kinship. As a result, the family unit was severely weakened and society became extremely individualistic.

Hence, women lost their support networks and could no longer afford to just rely on their husbands at the risk of their marriage breaking down. This pressured them to seek financial independence by entering the formal workforce.

Entering the formal workforce, however, is not a guarantee that women will always be safe as they could lose their jobs and not be able to find employment for a long time (as is the case during economic contractions and recessions). This allowed the state to further expand its power and influence through the provision of welfare benefits.

Courtesy of Strangers_In_The_Dunya