Top 14 Physical Traits Men Find Unattractive in a Potential Wife: umm Khalid
Top 14 Physical Traits Men Find Unattractive in a Potential Wife:
I randomly stumbled across a poll online where men were asked to be brutally honest in answering the question: "What is the number-one physical trait you dislike or cannot tolerate in a woman, strictly in a physical sense (nothing to do with her personality, character, manners, etc)?"
Out of curiosity, I read the men's answers.
Here are the top 14:
Body odor, lack of hygiene
Bad breath
Fake/ unnatural body (plastic surgery, fake lashes, fake nails, lip filler, botox)
Short hair
Piercings (esp septum)
Hair dyed a crazy color
Wrong shape, ie. A top-heavy build: wide shoulders, boxy torso, muffin top, no curves, no waist. Linebacker build. Basically, a non-feminine silhouette.
Too much makeup (fraud, false advertising)
Dark, harsh eyebrows ("magic marker eyebrows" drawn on the face or micro-blading)
Smoker/ vape
Loud, aggressive voice
We women usually don't know what men are thinking or feeling, and we don't know what goes on in their minds. So these answers provide a candid look at an awkward and mostly socially-taboo question of men's preferences in a mate, physically.
Men's idea of beauty.
In this age of aggressive "body positivity" culture where there are woke ad campaigns glorifying obesity in women, and gynocentric feminism that caters only to women's preferences, and unreasonable beauty standards where women often feel bad about their bodies and compare themselves unfairly to social media influencers drowning in filters and to Hollywood celebrities with cosmetic plastic surgery... we often have no idea what most normal men even like anymore.
Turns out, what they want is pretty straightforward: a slim, all-natural feminine-looking woman with her body unaltered, who takes adequate care of herself hygiene-wise.
So, my dear fellow ladies, keep it simple, natural, and healthy:
Eat well.
Drink water and stay hydrated.
Maintain your weight in a healthy range.
Sleep enough.
Have decent hygiene.
Keep up basic grooming habits, like dental hygiene and simple hair care.
If we basically follow the sunnah, inshaAllah we should be golden! Maintain the sunnah of eating only when hungry and not eating past satiation. Maintain the sunnah of dividing the stomach into thirds: one third for food, one third for water, and one third for air. Maintain the sunnahs of using the miswak (مسواك) to brush the teeth and keep your breath fresh, of clipping the nails, of eliminating body hair in certain areas.
Don't add anything fake or unnatural to your face or body. Not only is this stuff usually bad for your own health (chemicals in makeup and acrylic nails and fake eyelashes, toxins in cosmetic products like botox and lip filler), but also men don't even like the unnatural look anyway.
For us wives, this is a good reminder. A good husband is kind and understanding and always loving to his wife regardless of her appearance, especially after she has bore him children. But for our part as wives, we want to return the favor by keeping ourselves fit and maintaining a healthy weight and a tidy appearance as much as possible! (And ideally, the husband does the same, too.)
May Allah grant us all good physical and emotional health, happy marriages, and strong families, ameen!