Fear Inoculum
It will be coming up on five years this year, and I can say with confirmation that Fear Inoculum is my favourite album.
I was initially turned off by this album as I don't like Tool live (an awful sin), I don't enjoy the vocals live, and I find the drums are never given justice by sound engineers. Much more enjoyable to devour Tool at full whack on high quality headphones in my jim jams. Fear Inoculum as a whole, each live version, with the exception of Invincible, weren't enjoyable live.
Haven't been to a Tool concert in a few years, so I've consumed Fear Inoculum solely ar home or in the car. Descending, Pneuma, and Invincible are their best work in my opinion. Tool are notorious for each member wanting to be the most prominent on a track, I think they mastered distribution on this album more than others. Still despise those "filler" tracks though.
Can't wait for the new album in 2034