Somalia and Ethiopia agreement. What Abiy can do with differences in factions.

As you might have heard, the two countries have just signed an agreement that seems to guarantee the safe and reliable access to the sea for Ethiopia. I'm not here to discuss the various ways in which Abiy made sure that the deal would go his way. Abiy is sadistic we all know that.

I'm wondering what this means for Tigray (not the deal but the way in which Abiy operates). I can see how his serpent like way of making his opponents bow down can very likely be repeated in Tigray. The differences between the two sides (Somalia government and Juba land) was strategically taken advantage of by Abiy to get what he wanted at the end.

Now, let's discuss how this can be repeated in Tigray. What are the ways in which Abiy can weaken either TPLF side to gain what he wants ? It's kind of already happening . What I believe is happening in Tigray is a game of delay. Abiy is actively playing both sides to make sure that the status quo remains the same at least until the elections.

Let's contemplate on what happens when this game of delay ends. Let me know what you think.