Does anyone like being a teacher anymore?

I'm not a student teacher yet I'm currently attending college to become a teacher. I joined this group because I wanted to know more about the profession, and gain insight from teachers IRL. After reading the threads being posted all I can think is, wow, people are really unhappy in the teaching profession. Most posts I've seen have been extremely negative. This leads me to ask the question, does anyone like being a teacher anymore? I have heard every negative aspect of this profession: low salary, bad leadership/admin, rude students/parents, managing bad behaviours, taking work home or staying after contract hours, burn out etc. While these things are unfortunate, I feel these are normal complaints of every profession. Nobody likes to work or deal with the negative aspects of their job, but it pays the bills. Does anyone have a positive outlook on teaching? Does anyone really love what they do? I could use positive affirmations during this time where I'm choosing what I want to do for the next 30+ years of my life. Apparently the career I'm choosing sucks. :/