My last few days here since I realized people like me are obsolete.

I have a small penis. I've grown so tired of being constantly told size doesn't matter when it does. And I don't even mean just in a sexual context. Its the #1 signifier of an ideal man. We have tons of statistics showing that women prefer large flaccid and above average penis.

The main reasons why I feel there is no hope is because I know there is a biological disgust response to small penis, based on my experience. I know it is subconscious but women all have the capability to be fully biologically loved pretty much no matter what. Small tits, big, flat ass. Men will be happy with it all because we need to work so hard just to get one woman to reciprocate. (talking in generalities, of course there are very attractive men and women and very unattractive men and women. I'm keeping things in reality here) But since women are the gatekeepers of sex, they need to be much more selective. They are biologically less likely to 'settle' for a guy who don't fit the dream criteria because of the luxury of choice. A normal dude is going jump on the opportunity.

Women that say size doesn't matter usually say things like 'its okay' 'its not the end of the world' 'you can compensate' 'its not that bad' imagine from a woman's perspective that your body was 'not that bad' want to be told you are beautiful, perfect, etc. And even this is shown on reddit. When a woman posts about an insecurity the comments are all super supportive...'shes fun sized' 'you're perfect' 'stunning' etc. But if a guy posts about his dick insecurity...he has small dick energy, hes not a man, i want a man not a boy, you can compensate, you could date a lesbian, you can be asexual, you can be a cuck. None of the answers being 'you can be loved for who you are' . I've lived enough life to realize not everyone was meant to be accepted. For there to be good, there must be bad. And small penis is bad. Less surface area, less nerve endings, etc. I know some women have medical conditions or trauma that don't allow them to desire large penis but I still think the fantasy is there.

I just hate the argument women respond with about them being able to have preferences if men can. I do agree...but a big penis is not a 'kink' or a preference. So under that notion...all the small penis guys are just going to be eliminated over time. And i'm pretty tired of having to go outside and literally notice women understanding that I am not a real man. We are all biologically coded to identify ideal partners. To say women can't get a good idea of a guy's dick size is just wrong. Sure they could be wrong sometimes but they have intuition. I am not an ugly I know its just that they can tell I am not up to snuff.

I can go on forever but really I just want women to be happy. I know that I am robbing them of a comfortable life. I hear all the time that women don't like forward men...but i've heard multiple times for example...never send me a dick pic, unless you're big. Or he is such a cocky prick but his dick is huge. It is a biological lust response. Big dick guys get away with more because they are able to biologically pleasure at a higher level than most. But if a small penis guy tries to act confident women find it fake or as catfishing. I was watching this interview where this woman said she hates when a guy is super confident but then when they go home, she finds out he has a small penis. She said he should have approached more humbly.

So within the next few days I think I am just going to eliminate myself because if there is one impact I can have on the world...i'd love to help every woman on earth let out a collective sigh of relief once another small penis person is gone. I understand that I can find a relationship out of logic. I know i'd be a good father...i make good money. But i don't want to be someone's 'settling' or 'safe person' I want my relationship to start with fire, passion, lust. All women can be lusted for, only a certain amount of men can. And i'm just not interested. Since I was a kid I was reminded I was less than. They were right.