Which roots do you believe show up in these boards, and what is the difference between them?
Okay, so the title might be a bit confusing.
I am in a horrible style rut - I'm actually just starting to develop my own style. When I came across the style roots, I immediately knew I had moon, but had no idea of the others. So I started looking for outfits that I believed conveyed moon and thought would work for me. Buuuut, they didn't. I gathered some of those to one collage. They either make me feel like I'm exposing myself too much (like the middle ones of the bottom row), or too girly (the dress with the ribbon), or way too understated (the skirt with the tee)... and it left me confused, because they are so moony, right?
Then when I started putting together another board (a wild flight of fantasy!), not focusing on what I think should be moon, or what I think I should wear, but rather what "feels good", it occurred to me that maaaybe the difference lies in the other roots of these outfits? Even though some of them *look* similar...
I was thinking that maybe some of you can spot some trends and differences in the two collages? In the "not working" one, I'm starting to see maybe mushroom, or stone at some places? Which is possibly what isn't working for me? There is more flowy-ness in the second one, too. I think if I can determine what the actual roots are in the fantasy collage, that will help me spot them in more "realistic" outfits, helping me pick my wardrobe better!
Some very fancy but mostly unrealistic outfits I've started gathering as inspiration!
(If any of you know Rita's Style Keys, I've been typed as a L+U with one of the keywords being "extravagance", which I'm sure is also making the first board not work for me. And I'm kinda starting to see what she meant by saying "using outfits as an armor"...)