After trying all the rts demos (Tempest Rising, Zerospace, and Battle Aces), I better understand how FG spent 40M
I’m not arguing that their development/business plan has been amazing, or that I’m overwhelmingly positive about how the game design has gone, but I can confidently say, I better understand how FG spent so much money. I’ve spent a very good amount of hours playing all of the top rts demos and showcases that have come out this month (10+ hours of each, minimum), and SG by far feels the best to play in terms of scope, and in terms of their engine.
I can’t say too much about tempest rising, as I’m under NDA, but if you have watched any videos on it, you may understand what I mean (I fully understand that it is not supposed to be a blizzard-like rts, but unit movement feels quite janky to me).
The actual game design of Zerospace is fantastic. The gameplay is super exciting, factions all feel different and exciting, and the mercenary factions add incredible depth to the game. However, pathing is not nearly as fluid as SG (this is for all the people who hated on SG pathfinding). Readability in battles isn’t great (no variation in team colours outside of mostly just healthbar differences). And the UI in-game feels too barebones and not nearly as good as SG’s currently (especially the quick-macro).
Battle aces was pretty fun, but it’s too barebones for myself personally, and doesn’t feel like it will have the staying power as other more in-depth rts games. That, paired with their unwavering monetization strategy and lack of asymmetry doesn’t really captivate my attention much. That, and the units, although they feel good to use, aren’t that cool to me.
Much more can be said about the games above, both in positive and critical sentiment, but that leaves me with SG. I don’t love the design of the celestials, or some of the gameplay designs, but how the game feels to play currently, with the scope of the game (including how well the UI feels compared to all the other games, the fluidity, the animations, the pathfinding, the micro and macro) gives me a significantly better understanding as to how they spent so much money. It may not currently be the most fun/interesting of the rts games in development, but to me, i can confidently say it feels the best to play. I’m really hoping some game design changes quite substantially going forward, especially things like TTK and overall game pace/unit movement speed.
I am significantly more convinced that this game can turn into something genuinely fun, if they are able to change some big gameplay designs going forward.
What do others think?