Reasons to quit League of Legends

  1. It is the most toxic video game of all, if not, one of the most
  2. It is too unbalanced among the champions
  3. The games are too uneven
  4. Never missing the troll that is left to die and that comes to ruin the game to others
  5. Matchmaking are the biggest garbage
  6. You could become toxic over time if you play many ranked
  7. Reaching Gold, Platinum, Master, Grandmaster or Challenger gives you nothing special, satisfaction quickly dissipates
  8. Your sleep hours are destroyed and change dramatically as a result this affects your entire life, and believe me, if you sleep bad, your mood will get BAD, ALWAYS
  9. Each game lasts between 20 and 40 minutes, at that time you could: order, clean your bedroom and closet, cook a good meal, go for a walk, exercise, read some part of a book, have a conversation with someone, learn, and endless things that could come in half an hour
  10. If you play League too much, you deviate from your real goals as a human being
  11. Only streamers and professionals are benefited, the rest is rubbish for Riot
  12. If you reach 500k or 1M + of mastery with a champion, it will only make others laugh at you in any minimal mistake you make, whether from the rival team or your team
  13. You will have to be the best yes or yes in each game or you will be stuck forever in a division due to the matchmaking algorithms
  14. Obstruct your relationship with your family and friends, especially to meet new people, you will develop anxiety
  15. You may have the chance to die a virgin, without friends or without a real and tangible experience that makes you feel proud (sensitive issue for some)
  16. You will feel stuck in life, without progress. That place you always wanted to go to and the days go by and go and you get old and never go, be it another country to visit or whatever you feel is your best feeling to accomplish
  17. Thousands of hours lost in many cases that could do magic in their lives
  18. It is the most addictive video game of all
  19. League promotes disturbing messages outside our perception. For example, the Zed Ripper tearing up a Zoe girl
  20. Riot barely takes action against AFKs and trolls
  21. Expect many trolls, even if a person lets himself die with a 0/20 score, he won't be banned, while someone who says a little bad word against the troll, will probably get banned.
  22. Burn your dopamine, so you will feel discouraged with the other activities of your life. Quit League, and you will have more desires and satisfactions for the little things in life
  23. "Ok, the day came, after 2 years I arrived in Gold. After 3 years I arrived in Platinum. After 5 years I arrived in Challenger. Now what? What did I win? What do I get? If I'm not even streamer. Do I have to prove that I am the best among others in a video game? Was it really worth it? Do you know what I could have achieved in life in those 5 years of daily League play?"
  24. You will receive the worst insults
  25. Sometimes you are so focused on the game, that you don't care about anything else around and forget about taking that sip of water, that task in another window of windows or you will be ridiculous if your relatives hear you scream because someone killed you in the game
  26. It makes you less productive, you will make less money or learn less. You will lose your nose to solve natural things in life, and it will take time to unleash conflicting knots as daily or difficult tasks, with this already with the anxiety formed that prevents you from seeing, the famous as known as "Brain Fog"
  27. In many addicted people who take this game seriously, their hearts beat to extreme levels in the tf, specially in ranked
  28. If Riot wants their system can destroy your MMR, pairing you with trolls successively until you are placed in "low elo", consequently, every game you win you receive "14 PL" and every game you lose, you lose "22 PL", this causes you to lose a large unfair amount of time in a beastly way, in some cases to make up for a lost game you must win two
  29. The people you play with on your own team are not in the least interested in your progress, not even a little, they just want to win for them. Actually, you are playing "alone" against everyone
  30. If you play with someone and have a good game with him (ganks), in the next two days you face him or play with him again without realizing who he is, then there is a confrontation for some bad play and you hate each other

Soon, more reasons to quit League for people addicted to this video game ...