I can't see a happy ending in Spy x Family

I'm still in mission 63 in the manga, so please don't give spoilers from that foward

So, look at the context, there is a giant geopolitical tension between Westalis and Ostania,

Twilight can't just abandon being the greatest spy of Westalis to live in the "enemy's teritorry", and he still have a lot of hate of Ostania from what happened since the war. I can't see him abandon his position to become an ostanian citizen, he would even be saw like a "traitor" by the agency if that happens

He still can bring Anya to Westalis, but he can't bring Yor with him, because she would still think on Yuri, she probably wouldn't want to abandon him to stay in the "enemy's territorry", that would be terrible for his brother too. And Yuri being a member of SSS make things more difficult, because he would probably find out that Loid is Twilight if Yor suddenly goes to the Westalis, and would try to chase him. And let's not forget, Garden works for the ostanian govenrnment, if she leaves to be in Westalis, things probably would get weird there too

For Anya I see some options: She goes to Westalis and live with Twilight (less probable) or she lives with Yor in Ostania, or she just... stay alone... again

But again, with the context and tensions between Westalis and Ostania and the organizations involved in the family, in a long term, makes it unstable, once the Operation Strix ends, everything falls apart, that would probably make a sad ending

Sad ending doesn't mean a "bad ending" but more like a melancholic thing, and in my opinion, the tragedy can be interesting to make a good show, even in a comedy show

So, what you guys think?