Preliminary build idea for next patch

Since IE will finally be a useful item on Smolder (albeit extremely expensive), I'm already thinking that I'll potentially drop hubris.

The idea I'm going with is that I will always have both haste runes (transcendence and legend haste) no matter if it's sorcery or precision keystone.

The build item wise should be the following: ER > IE > LDR > BT > Shojin, maybe BT third instead of LDR could also be reasonable. Will need to do extensive testing to determine how it will feel next patch.

Will need to do further testing to determine whether or not it's worth it to run RFC a lot more now and drop BT/Shojin since the damage should work out that even at 75% crit, the total % buff for Q with IE now should be higher than current patch 100% crit. Doesn't necessarily mean that damage is higher at 3 items than 4 items, but this should mean that Smolder's late game will be extremely strong now with complete squishy deletion. (someone calculated Q post resistance possibly dealing 1k damage late game to a squishy target).

My final thought process is testing out whether hubris will be worth it to run since the extra AD is conditional. But maybe it'll have a place in my builds if the enemies are tanky and skirmishes happen frequently.

Overall I welcome this change with open arms since I've been asking for it for forever and pre-rework (the AD ratios) I already ran 75% and 100% crit builds frequently so I'm used to the playstyle now.