Season 2 Episode 3; Reghabi’s questions what did they mean?

I thought the questions asked during Marks reintegration process were really interesting and worth discussing.

Here’s some of them numbered with my notes;

Marks hand shakes uncontrollably;

Reghabi: sh¡t. ( high-pitched feedback, buzzing stop ) ( Mark breathes heavily )

1) You all right?

not so much a question for the procedure BUT people keep asking Mark if he is ok (Cobel, Helena, Devon etc.) these characters care enough about Mark to ask

2) Do you remember protocol? M: Uh, is that the first question? R;No, we haven't started yet. M;Uh, yes, I remember.

again not a part of the procedure, BUT it’s interesting that they’ve held back protocol from us. What is protocol? Many think it involves not meeting people from the floor in the outside world. But we just don’t know! I would think it involves keeping your regular work hours

Relax your body. You should feel good when this is over…

3) Who am I?

M; Okay, so are... are-- R;We've started. Who am I? M;Uh, Asal Reghabi.

a simple question but deliberately reflects the question we know is coming

4) Where are we? M; My basement.

simple again, but his mind is about to change locations and time?

5) What was your mother's name? M;Fern Scout.

Getting to the table questions again

6) What was her eye color? M;Uh... R;Seriously? M;Brown. It was brown.

This is a direct question from the table. We can infer from Rs reaction that he SHOULD be able to remember so far

7) Did you love her? M;Yeah. ( beeping )

seems obvious, but this question Is deliberately accessing emotions

8) Reghabi: Name a dam. Mark: Hoover.

Similar to the question; name any US state but slightly more specific. I have a feeling that marks innie can’t answer this.

9) Reghabi: What does MDR stand for? M;What? R;MDR. M;Mystic-- R;That's wrong.

This question is obviously trying to figure out if Mark is in his innie stage yet

10) What is something for which you feel shame? Mark: Uh... R; Shame. Mark: My dog died w-when I was a kid. It was my fault. ( machinery buzzing ) 10a) Reghabi: Why? Mark: I left the gate open.

This is clearly trying to access more emotions, but it’s probably trying to lead the person into the specifics of an emotional state. Also interestingly, we are starting to talk about death

11) Reghabi: Where were you born? ( machinery beeps ) M; Uh. ( stammers ) R;I'm not sure.

  • this is supposed to be a hard question, but it’s actually quite simple and Marq still can’t answer it so obviously we know something’s going on here. R does too notice she ramps up after this.*

12) What month is it? M;You mean, what quarter? ( high-pitched feedback, buzzing ) Mark: Wait.

This is our oh shit it’s happening moment! But I would like to say we don’t actually know what month it is in the outside world!

13) Reghabi: What is your first memory? M;I don't know. Reghabi: Tell me. M; Holy sh¡t. I don't know. I don't remember. Reghabi: Tell me. Reghabi: Tell me your first memory. M;I don't remember.

and then BOOM

Petey: Hey there, you on the table. I wonder if you'd mind taking a brief survey. ( gasps, breathing shakily ) Petey: Five questions. To start out,

QUESTION 1)who are you?

what a perfectly written scene. Loved it. Has anyone else rewatched it twice a day every day??