OCD or ipseity disturbance?
I'd like to describe a behavior of mine of which I'm not sure whether it's typcial OCD or more in the area of ipseity disturbance.
Throughout my life I've always had periods of strong "checking behavior". Is the stove off? Door closed? Faucet off? Windows closed? Stuff like that. Typical OCD, right?
But lately I've noticed something strange which I might have had before but was not aware of enough.
For example, I use the bathroom faucet to wash my hands and then turn it off. Wait, hold on, that was too fast and too automatic. Is it really off? Turn it on again and now my focus is directed at the task of turning off the faucet. And now I'm trying to feel the right way about turning off the faucet. To initiate the right action in order to ensure it's the last time I'm turning it off. Should I look at the water when turning it off? Or the faucet handle? la di da di. And after a few repetitions of off and on again I get stuck as in "I cannot physically turn it off. Something inside me is blocking the action of turning it off."
It's super weird. And what makes matters worse is the running water starts to put me into a kind of trance. I get tired, loose focus even more, which in turn makes the whole task of turning off the faucet even harder.
I'm not sure if this is what the online community calls "Just right OCD". But it feels a bit like my command center up there in my brain is broken. Like my brain is standing in its own way. Blocking actions that used to be totally normal, natural and have always happened automatically. When I read through the EASE items some of the descriptions resonated with me regarding dynamics such as the one described above. And that's where I started to wonder whether it's really OCD or something else.
I hope i've described this in a more or less understandable way.
I can also try to come up with more examples if needed for a better understanding.