Beauty is a mask for me but also not a mask, it's my real personality. It's both soul-deep and surface-level, at the same time. Both too much effort and too little effort into my appearance are indicative of poor mental health for me.
Thoughts on make-up:
It's less about beauty and vanity (although that's also present) and more about hiding. Whenever I've felt the heat rise in my ears and cheeks, I know my face gets very red. On those occasions, I wish I had worn foundation to hide my flush. Why should people know whatever I'm feeling? Why should people know that I've not slept well? Conceal that shit! The eczema flairup on my face is attracting too much attention. I wish I could wear makeup to hide it.
I want that perfect botoxed blank face in those situations. Nothing moves and nothing flushes. Whatever's wrong, never shows. Plastic perfection. Nothing of note, I look mass-manufactured just like all those other beautiful surgeried women. Hell, I think some of those surgeries also destroy your ability to cry tears! I want that kind of ultimate stoic face.
Too pretty mask:
In depression no. 2, I lost a lot of weight, used makeup and would put myself together extremely well. It was a mask for all of the unhappiness I felt inside. I didn't want that unhappiness to be seen. I was pale and anemic and skinny. I looked sick but I was also weirdly attractive, sort of like That Japanese beauty trend. I couldn't identify with my reflection in the mirror, it seemed like a beautiful alien. Too pretty, not me.
A bit of background:
I realised very late actually that people find me attractive. I fall into the cute/child-like/innocent category. We never had a full-length mirror at home during my teens because my parents deemed it unnecessary. My mother dislikes indulging in vanity. She doesn't like it when I look ugly and also when I look "too pretty". Even now, I forget to check myself in the mirror before leaving the house because I never developed the habit in childhood. And have more than once walked out with shirt on inside-out. Appearance was just ignored in my home. For the longest time, until I turned 18, I never thought about my appearance and didn't consider myself attractive. Only realised that when I learnt all the boys gossiped about me being an ice queen. And there I was feeling like I'm unseen and inconspicuous lol. I was initially weirded out that people found me attractive. I look nothing like the actresses on TV. I'm sure all of this baggage also contributed to me not identifying with my "pretty reflection".
Don't care at all:
Depression no. 3 (last year) - This was the total opposite. I didn't shower, my hair loc'ed up, I didn't wash my clothes, I gained weight, I didn't wish to be seen. I did not care about my appearance at all, even to do basic maintenance stuff. I felt ugly. Depression 3 was worse than the previous 2 episodes. Way worse. I'd never had SI before and had thought myself incapable of such thoughts.
Beauty, a sense of possession and jealousy:
My relationship to my appearance is all over the place, but in all other areas of life, I need and cultivate. I want my living space to be gorgeous and cozy because it's my sanctuary where I spend most of my time. Yup, I'm a maximalist and greedy. I want things and pretty things to boot, because it helps make a space my space. Things make me feel as if I am rooted enough in a place to call it home. I hated it when my mother rearranged stuff in my home, when she visited because her rearrangement made it not mine. This was also an issue when I was rooming with a college friend during our first job together. We sort of rearranged the kitchen each time we went there. She wanted her way. I wanted mine. It's surprising how we didn't have an argument over this and just continued the rearrangement in a passive aggressive fashion. Because things moved and not where I put them annoyed me.
It also makes me happy when people admire me/my stuff and wish they could live like me. I enjoy being the object of jealousy. And it kinda makes me feel like the stuff belongs to me and I belong surrounded by all my stuff. The pretty jealous-making stuff, beauty, my hair - sort of imbue me with a "me-ness".
Yes, rather surface-level but also not? Personality is not a shallow concept. It's comforting and makes me feel whole, I am who I am. But also other people's jealousy defines me so it is also shallow at the same time.