Being a Schizoid in a relationship is hard.
I feel like I’m almost paralyzed by my SzPD, but I don’t feel like I’m a schizoid around my girlfriend.
I don’t have trouble talking to her, being intimate with her, spending time with her, etc. She has been the only person to break through my shell. It’s a very healthy relationship, we communicate and we’re very open. But there’s one thing that’s bugging me; I feel completely unworthy of love, affection, and attention. I can’t help but think, she could be with somebody that’s easier to be with. Somebody that doesn’t hate and isn’t afraid of being in public, somebody that doesn’t struggle with anhedonia, somebody without SzPD. I guess I feel ashamed of who I am, even though I know that’s ridiculous.
She has a personality disorder too, different one than mine. Personally, I haven’t ever thought of wanting somebody else or leaving her. My life is enriched with her as apart of it, I now have a goal for the future. Is this a common thing among schizoids in relationships, and if so how can I let go of that feeling?