Thoughts on Vanderlin? And some assorted schizo inputs from a random RT player.

Not a hate post. Genuinely just trying to gauge opinions. Being a Roguetown (later Blackstone) player, I can't help but think Vanderlin feels... off. It certainly has the code. And most of the paraphernalia of the two previous (non-ERP) iterations of poopdark, but it feels incredibly hugbox'y, which I guess is to be expected -- since it's directly attached to Monkestation.

But it has been cranked up to such an extent that, outside of hard antagonists (who are usually dealt with in seconds by the masses of bored people), there is barely any conflict; which was a BIG part of what gave places like Roguetown and Blackstone their charm, largely in part to the stance their admins have taken, which as per the owner himself is not ''lenient at all''. So, nobody wants to risk getting their PQ nuked for starting something. Which just leads to stagnation.

For example, I still remember the countless times in Blackstone where a zealous, or paranoid Priest would make an incredibly unpopular ruling outside of the Church, which would lead to them being at odds with the Crown, or vice-versa. And yes, that usually led to bloodshed, but it also made for some of the best RP I've ever seen.

Like when the King went mad, and me, the Prince, secretly sought asylum in the church with a loyal Knight, while the Priest himself prepared to retake the throne for me, on the condition they were given a lot more political power.

That's just one scenario of hundreds I've witnessed.

Stuff like that just doesn't happen on Vanderlin, because someone is either getting bwoinked, or PQ nuked into never playing their role again. With things like race/gender bigotry now being punishable IC'ly, often by death (further watering down any and all conflict that may happen), which is just... ok...? Compound that with a far lengthier ''ritual'' of escalation to jump into actual combat, and, eh.

In short, to me it feels like they've essentially done away with a LARGE part of what made that type of server ''charming'' to begin with. It feels like a medieval Aurora station with the amount of standing around you do in roles that were previously pretty action-packed.