Feeling stuck
So I'm pretty sure I'm L+U but I'm still feeling vaguely dissatisfied with my outfits and I thought I'd throw it out there to see if anyone has any advice, or maybe just typing it out will help as I feel a bit jumbled on what I'm even after.
Reasons I think I'm L+U: * Left: I initially thought I was right since some of the keywords and suggested motifs seemed to fit, however the logic doesn't work. Once I made a mood board of my 'internal landscape' it became clear that this was exactly what I was trying to capture in my looks and this was a far more inspiring exercise than looking at outfit inspo for example. Now I understood what 'elemental' means in the context of the key I actually think I could lean very far to the left. * Up: up sometimes feels aspirational to me, and I'm not sure that when I get dressed I distinctly think about what impression I'm making, it's more that style to me is intrinsically about internal>external. If you'd have asked me before style key, that's how I would have described what style meant to me. I love excuses to dress up, and I like to appear intimidating and mysterious. Its important for me to feel seen.
Current style struggles: * My absolute top struggle at the moment is that now I have a vision for what I want from my style, none of my clothes feel good enough. I have fantasies of making/customising all my own clothes so everything can be the most 'me' possible but this just isn't practical. My thinking here is quite all or nothing, which may be fueled by the fact that: * Nothing I currently own seems to 'translate' the way that I want it to. I can combine items I already own to get as close as possible to my internal landscape, and sometimes the outfits feel satisfying but almost always when I look at photos of myself nothing reads the way I imagined and it's frustrating. I often look either too plain or a bit sloppy. I think jewellery would be an accessible way for me to 'up' the looks but I struggle with sensory issues. I don't often like the look of other accessories (hats, scarves, belts) so I feel stuck on what I can do without replacing my wardrobe. * I struggle to feel myself when I need to consider my environment (e.g. at work). I feel like I often end up feeling neither particularly appropriate nor particularly myself, and this affects the way I carry myself (I know considering environment isn't very left but I find myself dressing for what I can 'get away' with which isn't necessarily how I'd like to portray myself at work)
Style goals: * To feel somewhat satisfied with the items I already own/find a way to make them work well enough for now - even if this means making a few smart purchases. I just don't want to continue making poor buying decisions so I'm scared off of buying anything at all. * To build a versatile wardrobe of pieces that feel undeniably me but that I can mix and match enough to feel exciting and to be able to create a 'me' version of an outfit for many different contexts.
I feel like maybe an archetype could be helpful for me here. My secret desire would be enchantress but I'm not sure how to use this to make my current clothes more satisfying to me. Then I start second guessing whether I'm L+U at all bc I can't see what would be helpful for me.
Sorry if the answers are obvious. I often find when I'm in a situation I'm focusing on the problem so hard I can't see the solution. If you've read all this, thank you 🙏 I love the community you've built here!