Met this annoying Champ today
I know my champs probably don’t have correct gear on, working on fixing that every day a little bit at a time. Too busy with life and a newborn on the way, but Armanz is a damn cheat code. He-man was my only champ able to get a lick in. Holy shit I was surprised. I know TP don’t mean much in arena but holy shit I was not expecting this degree of ass whooping at all
I know my champs probably don’t have correct gear on, working on fixing that every day a little bit at a time. Too busy with life and a newborn on the way, but Armanz is a damn cheat code. He-man was my only champ able to get a lick in. Holy shit I was surprised. I know TP don’t mean much in arena but holy shit I was not expecting this degree of ass whooping at all