break up urges are the worst ones
There's nothing better than finding the person you want to spend your life with, and having a bitchy voice telling you end it. Naw. It's the exact same voice that told me to veer cars off the road when I was eight, just a different message. Not a fan. Boo.
I sat with them the other day without chasing them and oh lord above it was like stabbing my liver with very sharp knives.
Also my brain insisting my boo ain't perfect even though I don't believe in perfection and I'm mad about the fool.
I knew it would get spicier the more I fell for him, and of course it attacks the happiest and healthiest thing in my life. I'm just salty that's all.
Stinky brain gremlin feeding me nasty words smh. It's always the important shit it attacks. First started with my mom years ago.
Just venting.