New to Mushrooms (took them twice in college 8~ years ago) and got a psilocybin chocolate bar from a friend at work, 4.0 grams in the whole bar. I was curious how hard it is to fall asleep as you are coming down from a trip?

Ive had more experiences with LSD in the more recent years over mushrooms, not like enough to be "experienced or anything" just once or twice a year maybe, I've never had a bad experience on LSD (Or mushrooms when I took them in college) but one thing that does irk me about LSD is that if I decide to trip remotely later in the evening/night time my sleep schedule is just absolutely demolished, like even as I'm coming down I just can not get myself to a head-state where sleeping is possible.

I was wondering if I was going to have a similar issue falling asleep after I trip on Psilocybin, like not trying to force myself to sleep in the middle of it, but more like, after 5-7ish hours am I going to be able to relax enough to sleep or am I going ot have a rough time?

Thx in advance, I know this likely changes drastically person to person so no one can help me directly, more so just looking for your own experiences