Sign-up form for a 30-minute online interactive game - Anyone do this?

It was stated to take 1/2 hour. It took 1 hour. It even started 10 minutes late.

Pay was very low but I knew that going in. Only got about 3.50 total for 1 hour.

There was no way this game could have been done in 1/2 hour. There were many sets and it seemed like 30 seconds in between each so it made it very slow moving.

Eidted to add: Contacted researcher to let them know it took 1 hour. Was told it only took 45 minutes (they didn't add in the 10 minutes that it started late) So they will double the base pay to 4.00 total for the hour + any extra you made during the game. Good enough.

If it starts late by 10 minutes, shouldn't that count into the time to complete the survey/game? At this point it doesn't matter but I'm just curious.