Measuring big

So I’m around 29weeks and the last two measurements (25 and 28) my bump has measured big over the median. My midwife has asked me to come in at 31w and 32w to get remeasured. Feelings slightly worried because yes I did google some things and freaked myself out. Did anyone else have this? For reference I’m usually a size 8, I’m around 5ft3 and petite…I don’t think it’s gestational diabetes (I had a test done earlier this week and get my results soon!) and sometimes I think these average measurements don’t take into account height etc.! My midwife said it’s quite normal for the size to be all over the place but soon they’ll need to keep an eye on the growth incase I may need a planned csection. If anyone can share their experience on this similar topic I’d appreciate it! 🙏