PANGEA : Playable Region I Created
I'm excited to show you my own playable region i worked on : Pangea. I'm sorry for the long text coming which comes after.
Walkthrough :
Lore : Legends have it that Regigigas dragged the continents with ropes to bind them together and form a mega continent PANGEA. Formation from multiple continents, pangea contains numerous differents biomes from savanna to volcanoes, and many pokemon from all over the other regions.
They are 9 Cities/Towns, each one has a Gym Badge to defeat, a resting point to heal up, "field moves tutors", a legendary pokemon protecting the town/city and RolePlayed buildings related to the culture of the town with inhouse decoration and RP Pokemon-Master of the house acting as NPC's.
Each house/building is decorated and has a "NPC" Pokemon in it to make it more lively.
Each Gym is a Dual Type Gym.
1st Gym Town : Woodstale - Plant & Fairy - LVL 14 Ace - CUT & CHARM
2nd Gym Town : Steppemom - Insect & Poison - LVL 21 Ace - RIDE & REPEL
3rd Gym Town : Claypeak - Fighting & Flying - LVL 28 ACE - FLY AND BUILD
4th Gym City : Sanctus - Ground & Rock - LVL 35 ACE - SMASH AND DIG
5th Gym City : Raftshore - Psychic & Water - LVL 42 ACE - TELEPORT AND SURF
6th Gym Town : Spruceflake - Dark & Ice - LVL 49 ACE - ATTACK
7th Gym Town : Volcaniash - Fire & Dragon - LVL 56 ACE - FLASH
8th Gym City : Voltcliff - Electric & Metal - LVL 63 ACE - POWER
9th Gym City : Oakstream - Normal & Ghost - LVL 70 ACE - PAINT & HEADBUTT
Once the 9 gyms deafeated you must defeat the Pokemon League - ELITE FOUR ACE LVL 80 - Champions 6x LVL 80 Pokemons
Once the Pokemon League defeated you are allowed to take on the Kanta Hall of Fame :
- Kanto's 8 Gym badges, with the Gym leaders ACE lvl 90 to defeat.
- Kanto's Elite Four lvl 100 ACE to beat & Blue, LVL 100 6x pokemon team.
Now for the rules :
All Pokemon are hand-leveled (All gym pokemons, all field move tutors, many overworld mons on the routes, all legendaries) which make it complex to work as a playable region as they don't appear as wild agressive pokemon but as tamed pokemon who are all willing to join your party.
This region resolves around the field move Attack. At the start of the save you are granted one free Umbreon with the field move attack and you get to choose between 1 of the 3 monkey mons in the house to take along.
The region plays itself like any other pokemon games except any overworld pokemon you want to catch or battle on the routes must be "Attacked" with the field move. Same goes for the gym badges and pokemon league.
Gym Badges Rules : Once you take on a gym/league, you must deafeat or catch every pokemon in a row without healing in a bed. Save before the fight and take on all of them in a row, if you lose, just reset and start again, or lvl up more before taking on the gym again.
Once a Gym defeated you are allowed to go to the Field Move Tutors house, and add the mons to your party in order to unlock their Field Moves.
Field Move Rule : For ie : Beat 1st Gym = Being able to use Charm & Cut in order to progress. The map and aventure is made in a way that you shouldn't need a field move to progress before unlocking it through gym badges. However you are able to use for example dig in order to find grounded items. Just don't use field moves you aren't supposed to use in order to get shortcuts around the map.
And don't use Fly before defeating the 9th Gym as it is a game breakign mecanic in this 2D Region.
Pokemon League Rules: You can heal between each Elite Four ACE but must take on the 6 pokemon of the champion in a row, same way as in a gym badge match.
Hall of Fame Rules : Deafeat the 8 Gym ACES before taking on Kanto Pokemon League.
As you saw in the rules, the entire gameplay resolves around the "attack" field move, so a a dark type pokemon is essential to the adventure. Howevever, if you don't like umbreon or any dark type pokemon you find, feel free to give "attack" to any pokemon you'd like by tweeking the game folders, it is pretty easy to make.
Don't forget to check all the buildings in the different cities as you could find some items in them related to them.
You will meet a lot of overworld mons. Some of them will be higher level and make it a hard fight for a lot of xp, some will be underleveled and easy to catch to join your team.
Some "Dungeons" were created : forest, swamps, tombs, caves.... but unfortunately the mansion and the ruins do not have Volcarona & Mewtwo in them. Both of them can be found in newly created dungeons in the region.
MANSION & RUINS Re-Design : They are now XP farm dungeons, i changed the base stats xp of some pokemons (those exclusive to the dungeon in question) in those dungeons. Elgyem & Lunatone fore the Ruins, Ditto, Grimer, Weezing, Muk & Magmortar for the Pokemon Mansion. Those XP farms are here to be able to lvl up quickly mons before big challenges. You will however need to download the "mods" file i link down below and replace yours with it.
DO NOT Recruit to your party the "NPCs" Pokemon in houses and buildings.
TLDR Rules : Use the field move "Attack" to start any battle with overworld pokemons and gym badges.
On the chill side, you are able to visit the Pokemon Zoo, who's recreating all the biomes of the continent with many pokemon of the said biomes in order to protect endangered pokemons and help them repopulate.
You can also visit the Hall of Legends, a special museum which allows you to see all the region's legendaries pokémons in their natural habitat.
For the more adventurous, all the legendaries pokemon (except protectors) are hidden throughout the region and it's up to you to find them.
Notes :
- Some trees, tiles might be bugged (ie: pokemon, you going through etc...)
- Didn't test the world without the 3rd gen mod, so i don't know the result on it and i'm curious if anyone tests it
Link to the 3rd gen mod by BansheeStudio :
Link to the save + XP DUNGEONS :
Link to a walk-through of the region :
Feel free to test it out and give me your feedback, thank you !