Rhinoplasty and Facial Contouring Regret
I got cheekbone reduction, jaw angle reduction and genioplasty to reduce the bulging cheekbones, jaw angles and genioplasty as well as bridge augmentation using a silicone implant, reducing the lateral sides of the bridge bones by shaving, using a donor rib cartilage for the tip projection and alarplasty.
2.5 weeks post op and I miss my old face every day. I just wish I realize how beautiful I was before and I feel like my face now has lost its charm. I feel like I’ve lost my Asian features, and I just look strange.
I went to South Korea to get the procedure, and I didn’t realize that with them shaving down my jaw that I had my submanidular glands that poke out that result in a bulge under my neck.
If anybody has any experience with revision rhinoplasty or a neck lift to improve those features. I don’t think I would ever go through plastic surgery again, but I would just be interested to hear if looking like how I used to look would be a possible to attain. Or just any advice or encouragement, having gone through plastic surgery regret.
I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit to post this in. There’s just no community with those going through plastic surgery regret and it just feels really nice to tell someone this without having to dump everything emotionally on someone in my life.