I recently migrated from Cobalt/Miller to Emerald, and...

So EU servers are slightly underpop and thought I'd give Emerald a try, so... I'm surprised how fun American players are, it's crazy, people having laughs and all, hell, I think I've seen more usage of the proximity voice chat in Emerald in 3 days than years of playing in EU.

It's so worth it, playing at 150ms may sound bad if you're used to 50ms, but it seriously didn't make any difference, at least for me, I can still play just as good, in fact, I'm doing better, ping didn't factor in.

Those who play in Emerald, can you sum up the factions here? Not the weapons and whatnot, but the outfits and players, their strengths, weaknesses, quirks, any fun facts...

I chose NC by the way.