First day as a tech with Walgreens

I have to say, I was incredibly nervous about starting this job because of everything I’ve read here. I mean, there were some rude and difficult customers, but I’ve worked in retail environments for some time so it wasn’t much of a bother. For the most part, everyone was incredibly patient and seemed very grateful for the job we were doing. I haven’t felt that sort of satisfaction from work in years!

It’s certainly a steep learning curve, and it may be too early to say, but I don’t think I will hate this job nearly as much as any of my prior ones. It definitely helps that the people I work with are very funny and friendly folks, who are amazingly understanding of the fact that I have zero pharmacy experience. I’ve made sure to take notes of more complex procedures, as some have mentioned here. This way I can avoid annoying anyone by asking the same question over and over. All in all, it was a pretty good first day and I’m definitely not dreading going in tomorrow!