I NEED the validation before I lose my mind (dramatic)...
Look, I absolutely love this damn game. I know, like in most multiplayer games, cheaters are an issue [yes, this is one of those posts I'm somewhat sorry]. However, I'm not informed enough on what a cheater actually plays like to just hop from match to match thinking any plays-way-too-well player is a cheater (especially considering all the anti-cheat systems that, I suppose, do work).
But tonight in my first match after a few days of no play, I experienced my most crushing defeat yet.
We. We're. Washed. This enemy Ashe (+ Mercy) was literally a global-warming induced flood upon our unfortunately located island. I've never felt this powerless to at least help my team against a player that's carrying the enemy team with such ease.
Please watch this clip of the player's gameplay and tell me if this is just an incredible player or likely a cheater because if this isn't a cheater, what is the damn science behind how someone can play like this in ranked in an average platinum 4 match on console. By the end of the match, this Ashe literally had like a +- 20 eliminations gap with the player with the 2nd highest eliminations.
I was stunned; the closest I've every gotten to prematurely putting the controller DOWN.