Bypass for bricked Oculus Go devices (w/o controllers) for setup with raspberry pi pico W's BLE emulation and reverse engineering.
This project has been started to reverse engineer the Bluetooth low energy profiles of the oculus go controllers through -sniffing traffic, -monitoring characteristics, and -capturing communication, -emulating the (¹security, ²gatt services, ³uuids, and ⁴timing constraints) to create a usb like "key", or open source the cfw on github for users of raspberry pi pico w itself with the provided access to the os fw to plug in into the vr headset for custom modification. ( also to provide other features such as automatically unlocking the bootloader and providing access to lost apps, games and environments, and other non functional components)
Another method involved in the project is a reflash of adapted firmware onto other unconventional controllers or peripherals to maintain full functionality of the headset and all its native buttons, without unnecessary steps or user involvement and to give the customer back the device they paid for with more functionality than before.
[and hopefully see some development of vr technology come from those willing to utilize the unlocked bootloader for personal projects such as this and see the devices of the past not end up as e waste, and give others less fortunate the chance to experience the magic of virtual reality modification and bringing life back to dead devices and lost memories.
Peace ✌️