What's the Most New Orleans Thing That's Ever Happened to You?

I know we've all got some stories. It's hard for me to pick just one. In mid-city we had an older New Orleans native living in the apartment behind us. He was pretty wild, he'd often have the cops called on him by his ex or his mentally disabled daughter. The cops would knock on our door and we'd have to send them to the back. Once he got swatted and the cops had to stand in the streetlights with termites swarms!

Old man Jim was prescribed a lot of medications and would often mix them up. This would cause him to pass out in random places, so he'd often have ambulances called for him. One day we were having drinks on the porch when he came tearing up the sidewalk in the open back hospital gown, yanking out tubes and throwing them in the bushes. He hollered "You did not see meeeeee," in his gravely yat accent, as he ran by us to his apartment.

Then the very next day he was passed out again in the same bushes where he threw the tubes!