Deliberately not doing what you asked
A huge red flag of narcissism that I've noticed is when you're relying on someone to do something for you, something very simple that will give you the information you need, or the help you need, or whatever it may be - and that person does the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do for you.
It could be something as simple as a yes or no answer. You need to know the answer to a basic question, because this information will help you to go about your day, to make your plans, etc. A narcissist will withhold, on purpose, that one little scrap of information that you need to move forward. They will either withhold it completely or will do anything but give it to you.
Or, let's say you need them to do something for you. You want them to pick up your favorite item from the supermarket, as an example. It's a cheap item, it's not heavy, it's readily available, it's not a big deal. A narcissist will go to the supermarket and will return either without your requested item, or with another item that is similar but is still NOT what you asked them to get.
Deliberate blocking of this nature is a big, giant warning that this person does not want you to get what you want. They do not want you to be happy, to feel secure or content. They KNOW what you want and need - and that's why they're deliberately not giving it to you.
Whenever there is a very clear path from A to B, meaning you've made it crystal clear what you want/need from a person and your request is completely reasonable, and yet the person STILL doesn't give it to you, RUN.