Sometimes, NPD is caused by trauma and loneliness
Not all narcissists are born as spoilt brats who are pampering, empath parents. I grew up as an only child with estranged cousins from my family in another country, where I'd onyl see them twice in my life. I had no cousins, no siblings, and "friends" excluded me from their parties and fun stuff. I was always an outsider everywhere I went. My family was segregated from the other families because both my parents had mental health issues and was deeply ashamed of having a disabled child like myself. At school, growing up, I was excluded by my "friends" until the end of high school where I finally had some friends. But even then, they treated me differently.
I wonder if all this loneliness plus being physically disicplined by my mother violently as a child made me the gaslighting, selfish NPD I am today.