Is three kids impossible?

Hi all.,

I have a 2yo boy and a 5 month baby girl. They are 21 months apart so when she was born we had the infamous “2 under 2”.


Both kids were planned but not so close together but we’re glad it’s working out. My son is an energy filled ball from sun up till sun down and my baby girl has suffered with GERD/reflux since early on (now just a happy spitter).

Me and my husband definitely were in for all the craziness having 2 little ones but bc of them being the way they are lol it’s been very hectic, overwhelming, and overstimulating at times. We have a village thankfully. My family and his.

After having my daughter (via c section… ouch) i was DONNEEE having anymore. Now all that pain has worn off lol.. and we’re thinking of a 3rd. (NOT NOW!!!!!) we would like a third and last baby in atleast 2 years! I would wait longer but I don’t want to have my children any older.

Am I crazy to want a third…? If anyone has/had an age gap of what would be 4yo, 2yo, and newborn how was it? How is going from 2-3 kids?

Edit: my husband is a great father / husband. VERY involved. I guess I should mentioned we don’t want to try until our youngest is 2. So by the time baby would be here she’d be closer to 3 yo and my son in school. (I know things cannot be planned lol)