Do men need women?
Hold up, I know what you're thinking and no, this is not a bash on women, but a parody of the "Do women need men" narrative is see regularly on media of all kinds. This is a societal issue and this post is meant to make all beings aware that it's not just women never needing us men, but the same is true with the vice versa.
This is not to encourage anyone to believe that man do not need women or vice versa. It is to notify men that there is no need to lose confidence in yourself as a man when women say such things on a nationally view program. That is because you are the embodiment of self-sufficiency. As a man, there is nothing you cannot do, outside one of the things mentioned below. If you're not needed, it is meaningless if you need for naught.
Every now and again, I am met with articles and live TV where women are calling us useless and questions whether we are needed or not. Thus, I had to ask what I in particular need women for.
I can cook pretty damn well, I can clean and keep everything in my home clean, I am well educated (not the smartest but will graduate college next year and generally can feel my way through any hands on problem with a long list of successes), I'm physically capable of doing anything without assistance, I am my own emotional support (instead of hanging my head low in depression and looking towards others, I figure out what must be done to address my issue), I solve any problems I encounter (following the previous line) I make my own money and do not rely financially on anyone.
I can do everything except have two person sex, which my hand wearing a wig and speaking with a ridiculous high-pitched voice, a trans or a gay guy could provide me.
I'm not gay or a trans fetishist with trans (I am as straight as your average black guy from a poor area can get (very, unbelievably straight to the point where I am damn near homophobic)), but I make note that the options exist if I am ever that down-bad.
Thus, I suppose the only thing I cannot do, that woman are vital for, is the teamwork of baby-making. Not being misogynistic, just being frank. I can always adopt as well. I'm not picky enough to say that the child I raise has to be my own and there are plenty other sexual targets outside of women, like men (bass boost here).
Even raising children is something I can say that I'm pretty good, as I raised my nieces to be tough and know how to throw hands to defend themselves if needed. They are doing quite well in school and are always happy to see me, since I've moved away to attend college and rarely get to see the.
To keep it real, I don't even need a woman for sexual activities. I don't even need to hire one to take care of things for me. Why am I considered the incompetent/useless one?
I understand a purpose behind seeking companionship with one. But this is from an objective point of view. Objectively, if a man chose to go through life without a woman, outside of creating a biological child what would a man actually still need a woman for that he cannot get himself or from a non-woman?
Any lurking feminist spies or guys who have other opinions? Feel free to enlighten me on what it means to need a woman.
TL;DR: I encounter women's media that tells me that I am not needed, useless, and many other disparages as I am a man. But I, as a man, do not need a woman for any reason besides one. Controversial take or not, the truth is the truth. Unless someone can prove otherwise.