Running a beginner game

hi! I've been wanting to get into malifaux for a really long time, but never did because of the cost of it. Now that I've had a 3d printer for some time, I've been looking to get into the game with my brother using proxies.

What are some good beginner crews? I've heard that games are 50ss, and that adds up to ~10 models if i'm not wrong, right? I'm looking for something not too difficult, but fun enough to play for a while until we've gotten the hang of the mechanics. I've printed out an arcanist crew yesterday, and am in the process of finishing up an outcast one. We'll play our first game after my exams on Saturday! Could I drop the crews below, and maybe get some feedback on it?

Another point of note, what is a good scheme and strategy to start out with for a beginner game?

The Arcanists

Master: Kaeris (Totem: Eternal Flame)


Fire Golem

3x Fire Gamin


Carlos Vasquez


The Outcasts

Master: Viktoria chambers x2


Vanessa Chambers

3x Ronin

Hodgepodge Emissary

Student of Conflict

Big Jake