1st Anniversary Theories?

What do you think will happen for the first anniversary of LaDs?

We’ve got under two months to save for whatever happens in January - and I am scared 😂 I have some guesses of what could happen, but I would love to hear other theories!

The biggest theories that I’ve seen everyone mentioning is the introduction of a new Li (possibly Caleb), a Pulse Hunter type banner and reruns of limited banners.

I wonder if they’ll hold a press conference and drop a bunch of things they’re working on for next year.

Here’s my silly little theories (or more like wishlist 🤭) ⬇️

They’re rebalancing the game with either the fights and/or weapons. We’ve had little changes already. With the Sylus myth pair, claymore stacking isn’t a thing anymore and is replaced my hp consumption phase and using an empowered active skill during that phase.

Another theory based on rebalancing is adding level 10 bounty hunts. We need level 10 heartbreak to give 2 SR bottles - PLEASE

They’re looking to introduce a new arcade game. We’ve had all sorts of different kinds of mini games during banners. They’ve probably used this past year of banner mini games to see which ones are the most enjoyable to play. Maybe they increase the amount of chocolate we can get or new things to buy in the chocolate shop!

For the theories above, they would probably have some increases to orbital trials and affinities.

Everyone’s been waiting for it: a new abyssal chaos mission! Let’s not try to save Tobias next year 👍

Main story update? Sylus story branch? New Li story? 👀

Reruns of limited banners please? 🥺

Crazy theory, but what if they do solo banners using the precise wish system? We can choose which 5* we would like to rate up of that Li. I don’t know if I would love or hate that lol

Would love to hear what you think!