Got blocked from the VIP group…
I shared a post here that blurred a kids face but showed the posters name (which why would they care, they shared it for hundreds of thousands to see with pride, but I digress). Someone commented that I was a bully and would be blocked from the VIP group. I thought that was an empty threat because how would they know who I am on Facebook? Well it looks like I’m blocked! I’m kind of impressed but there must be some easy way that I’m unaware of for them to find my Facebook page?? Does anyone know?
Edited to add: I think she must have taken the declined post that i shared before in this group (even though my name was cropped from that too) and sent it to an admin to find and get me blocked. Although they would have to sift through a lot of declined posts to find it because they seem to decline lots of them that don’t fit their rules! 😅