Landlord is refusing to get pest control in to remove the bed bugs that have infested my bed

Thanks in advance for the help guys, here’s what my letting agent said:

“I have just spoken with landlord and he has said that if the bed bugs occurred within a month of moving in then he would have been happy to rectify this issue. As this was not the case he feels that you may have brought the bed bugs into the house from elsewhere. This is the fourth month of living in the property and your email yesterday was the first time you have contacted us regarding bed bugs.

Are they potentially bites from something else?

About insect bites and stings Insect bites and stings are common and usually only cause minor irritation. However, some stings can be painful and trigger a serious allergic reaction. (Continues patronising rant about whether or not it could have been a hornet that gave me tiny bites all over my body)”

Can landlords legally deny the responsibility to remove vermin. Surely as a student I’m not expected to pay £120 for a call out?

Also, I’ve contacted my local council but they can take up to 10 days to reply, I can’t sleep in this bed for 10 days my arse is on fire.

Once again thanks so much for the help.