Need a beginner podcast with focus on grammar
I've been self studying ineffectively for about a year, basically only learning kanji on wanikani (srs with mnemonics). I know a lot of vocab & kanji, but i don't know any grammar.
I tried studying with minna no nihongo, but it takes a lot of self control and dicipline that i just don't have, so i've had trouble motivating myself to start studying with it, got to chapter 5 before i stopped and i feel like the things i learned didn't stick very good. If someone asks me to say a sentence in japanese i get stunlocked buy if they point to a random object or word i can probably say it in japanese and write it in kanji.
I own both genki and minna no nihongo and i plan to start one of them from scratch but i want something that i can also do more passively when I'm not studying so that i can retain knowledge better, and i'd prefer a pod with more focus on grammar than vocab since i already know all the beginner kanji. Got any ideas?
tl;dr: Study for long time but only kanji. Kanji knowledge good, grammar bad. Want good beginner podcast with focus on grammar.