LPR Exercise Experiment
Hello All,
I have struggled with LPR in two bouts, one that lasted for 2-3 years and vanished, and the current bout which is on year 5-6. I have tried nearly everything; supplements, inclined bed, ENTs, Gastros, Naturopaths, breath trainer (powerbreathe), etc. I constantly research this. The constant research might actually be part of my issue, as I will think about LPR for many hours a day.
The few things I know definitely helped are inclining my bed, and the powerbreath. I still regularly get flare-ups and struggle almost daily.
I am very into fitness and have been for ~20 years, so the thought of an exercise program helping to cure my LPR is very appealing, and why I use the powerbreathe daily. I had read about swallowing exercises to strengthen the LES in the past but never implemented them.
Here are the articles I am referring to:
I started incorporating these exercises daily about 2 weeks ago. Here is an average day of exercises so far:
I think this is starting to help. My throat feels better upon waking, and I seem to have less throat clearing throughout the day. I do still have flare-ups. These articles, as well as the iQoro, state it can take ~6 months to see solid results, so I am in this for the long haul. Daily tracking keeps me accountable.
I am wondering if anyone here would like to start doing some of these exercises as well, track their work, and give occasional follow-ups? Or, if anyone has done a program like this and has comments, that would be great too.
I truly feel for all of you that have this condition. No one seems to understand the mental toll this can take, especially when you get in a cycle where you are not sleeping well and you are clearing your throat / coughing hundreds of times per day.