Switching careers

Am I too old to go into Kinesiology? Im currently 35 yrs old. By the time I finish a KINS degree Ill be around 40yrs old. It seems like a lot of grads here are still in their 20s. Will I even get hired at my age at entry level?

I do have some experience in personal training. Back im 2013 I got my BCRPA personal training certification. I worked as a PT at a gym for 5 years. In 2015 I went back to college to pursue dietetics degree and ended up taking a 2 year diploma for food service/nutrition management and ended up becoming a diet technician at a long term care. I worked part time. I quit PT because I couldnt handle two jobs and going to school. Since my diploma transferred into 3rd year of the Bachelors in Business Administration I decided to do another two years and get a degree in Business. In 2021 I quit the hospital since there was no benefits even though I was working part-time, and got a full time job as a digital marketing specialist. Now I realized I miss fitness and health and want to get my Masters in Nutrition and Dietetics as well as a Kinesiology degree. My fear is nobody will hire me at 40 years as a new grad. I know it seems irrational but I dont know if employers prefer someone who is younger. I feel like they will look down on me for my age. I do see a few older people in my KINs classes though. Not sure if they are going into KINS after or something else.