Best free cybersecurity websites to learn Kali Linux for beginners?? (& some extra questions: programming language, how to install, cheap yet fast phones to use Kali Linux on and how to install on phone, etc)
What is the BEST free cybersecurity website to learn how to use Kali Linux for hacking for a complete beginner, from zero knowledge to getting better and better? Because I don’t wanna waste my time on a free OR paid site if it’s not QUALITY information and still left confused. The only ones I heard of so far is Hack The Box Academy, Udemy and Tryhackme. But I’m not fully aware of the quality of information or if I can get all the learning and information I need from the free versions, as I am trying to not have to pay for any subscriptions. If one of these best suites my need for learning Kali Linux, plz let me know which. And if you know better free websites (that obviously aren’t sketchy) that can help me learn everything I need, from beginning understanding Kali Linux, to a level that I can begin to practice ethical hacking, then please let me know 🙏🏻👍🏻😃 (Some bonus questions)
(My questions above)
When using Kali Linux is there a specific programming language to understand or does Kali Linux use its own command type?
If you need to understand a specific programming language to use Kali Linux, like python for example, is it better to learn how Kali Linux works just to understand how it operates first and then learn something like python later to apply it to Linux? Or is Kali Linux it’s own thing?
I have a windows 11 gaming laptop and if I wanted to install a full version of Kali Linux with all the preinstalled hacking tools, would it mess up my laptop by overwriting my windows OS? And if it doesn’t and I were to download it, what do I choose? The 3gb bare metal? I currently have Kali Linux on the Oracle Virtual Machine but there’s a lot of functionality limits in a virtual machine.
And if I didn’t want to install directly on my computer, and since I don’t have another laptop, what’s a good, cheap, yet fast android phone or phone in general to install it onto to turn into a portable Kali Linux under like $80?? And whether it’s a cheap android phone or different brand phone, would I use the Nethunter app, or if I don’t want to pay for a carrier and just have the phone by itself to install Kali Linux on, will it still be able to work without a carrier or can I still use it on my wifi? And how would you go about installing Kali Linux on a cheap android phone or other brand from your laptop? Just plug it into the laptop, install then unplug phone? If so, which option do you choose (bare metal, live, etc. ?) and which download would you choose? Cause there’s the 3gb download and then the full version that’s only in torrent and I get confused between the two and their differences in functionality and privacy.